FALL in love with Pumpkins…

Specifically, Pumpkin Extract, known for it’s widely beneficial properties, it’s one of the key ingredients in our Anti-Aging Body Frosting crème.

Get yours in spa locally – drop in or call to order, or if shopping online go here:

Happy Fall everyone!  Here’s to smoother, younger-looking, beautiful skin…

Pumpkin Extract:
• Excellent ingredient for all skin types, especially environmentally damaged or sensitive skin

• Rich in Vitamin A (skin healing), C (anti-oxidant) and Zinc

• Soothes, moisturizes and acts as a carrier, assisting the other ingredients to absorb deeper into the skin and intensifying the results

• Enzymes and anti-oxidants that remove dead, dull cells, while its beta-carotene-rich antioxidants nourish your skin

Pumpkin Extract

Pumpkin Extract

Anti-Aging Body Frosting

Anti-Aging Body Frosting

Body Frosting Ingredients

Body Frosting Ingredients

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